Human Resources

Economic as a modern company strives for business excellence in every respect. In order to achieve both short-term and long-term goals, Economic is oriented towards steady investment in human resources development as one of the key factors for growth and development of company. Special attention is focused on the way of developing, employing and motivating employees to make the best use of the ability to connect knowledge, expertise and practice.

It is worth pointing out the cooperation that Economic has with universities and other educational institutions. For many years, the economy has been trying to provide students with the opportunity to make case studies, volunteering, but also to practice fellowships and scholarships during their studies. All new employees go through a company introduction program to help them with organization, strengthen community, motivation and productivity in the company.

In addition, Economic appears in the social community as a company known for its social engagement, participation in employment fairs, various sponsorships, charitable actions and incentives.

Continuous improvements in human resources are made possible through periodic organizational climate testing, employee satisfaction surveys, and team building programs at company level.

All of this is a sufficient reason why Economic in the social community is recognized as one of the most desirable employers who provide their employees with a comfortable working environment, an opportunity for advancement in the profession, job security and a positive reputation in the business environment.

Struktura zaposlenih u Economicu

The total number of employees on December 31, 2018 is 109

Kako Vam možemo pomoći?

Za bilo kakve prijedloge, sugestije ili komentare budite slobodni kontaktirati nas.

Qualification structure of employees

  • VSS-dr
  • VSS-mr
  • VSS
  • BCH
  • VŠS
  • SSS
  • VKV
  • KV
  • NK

Gender structure of employees

  • Womens
  • Mens

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